Nika Suwarsih
Nika Suwarsih

Dandenong Program Manager

Nika Suwarsih (She/Her), Indonesia

Nika joined the SisterWorks team in 2021 as our Dandenong Empowerment Hub Manager. In this role, Nika is responsible for supervising and coordinating many of the training programs and other activities SisterWorks deliver in Dandenong.

Nika has been working in the community sector for over 16 years. In that time, she has received several awards for her leadership and contributions to the Australian community, including.

– Leadership Award from the Victorian Premier Volunteer Champion Award.

– Event Management Award 2019 from ASEAN University.

– Leadership Award 2020 from Indonesian Consul General Melbourne Victoria & Tasmania.

– Leadership Award 2021 from the Indonesian Society of Victoria.

– Community Leader Australia Day Award 2022 in recognition of exceptional contribution to the multicultural communities in Australia from the AICS, AIFA, AIMMS, Australia Day Council, Fijian Community.

In her free time, she loves cooking, singing, dancing, performing, song and poem-writing.

“Supporting women who are refugees, asylum seekers or migrants to develop skills and become economically empowered is very important to me. I enjoy working with SisterWorks because the Vision and Mission mean a lot to me.”
