
SROI 2019

SisterWorks 2019 SROI

SisterWorks Social Return On Investment (SROI) report in 2019 demonstrated SisterWorks long-term impact.

SisterWorks commissioned Social Ventures Australia (SVA) Consulting to understand and put a value on the impact of SisterWorks on the community over a four year period (2015 - 2019).

To determine our impact SVA conducted more than 30 interviews, two focus groups with Sisters, and an online volunteer and intern survey. In addition, the researchers reviewed and analysed programmatic and financial data, and conducted external research.

Impact of SisterWorks

The SROI analysis found that SisterWorks generated positive social value for migrant women, volunteers, customers, and the Government:

Key Findings and Insights

The SROI research and analysis provides critical insights into how SisterWorks contributes to the community.

  • SisterWorks assists migrant women to thrive

  • SisterWorks’ success is grounded in the strong culture of the organisation

  • SisterWorks help migrant women to realise their ‘Australian Dream’

  • SisterWorks is in a unique position to support migrant women to overcome social and financial challenges

Learn more about our impact here:
