Sister Story


From Colombian Dreams to Melbourne's Reality: Maria's Journey with SisterWorks

As borders become increasingly fluid, cultural barriers remain formidable. How does a new immigrant adapt? Meet Maria, a Colombian woman whose courageous decision to leave her country for Australia in 2023 led her to find SisterWorks. Driven by a desire to explore the world beyond her home country, Maria left Colombia behind, not knowing that this leap of faith would lead her to an amazing community that would become her second family.

A Serendipitous Connection

As Maria settled into her new life in Melbourne, she faced the daunting challenges of navigating unfamiliarity, isolation, and language barriers. Through numerous challenges, an unexpected connection would shape her journey. “I was recommended by a friend who was previously involved with SisterWorks," Maria shares.

Finding Her Groove in a New Culture

"SisterWorks has helped me adapt to Australian culture and meet a new community," Maria explains. "They have been very accommodating and welcoming to my new living conditions." Maria’s confidence grew as she learned how to navigate and understand Australian workplace culture. The organisation not only supported her cultural adaptation but also helped her blossom as she built her own business. "The organisation has given me a lot of confidence after starting my own business and working with community members has been very fulfilling," she adds.

A Journey of Growth

During her time at SisterWorks, Maria participated in the Sewing Program, starting as a beginner and advancing to become a skilled seamstress. However, her journey did not stop there. She is now a SisterWorks Social Enterprise teacher, sharing her knowledge and skills with other Sisters. 

"Working with SisterWorks has been very nurturing and fulfilling," Maria shares. "I feel very capable of teaching and have gained the confidence to share my knowledge with others despite language barriers." This transformation from student to teacher and business owner is a testament to the personal and professional growth Maria has experienced. "I really enjoy working with the community because it brings personal fulfilment and allows me to see the success of others," she adds.

Weaving a Bright Future

Maria's hope for the future is to increase her work hours and days and to be able to call Australia her home. SisterWorks has given her the confidence and support she needs to aim higher.

Gratitude Tapestry

Maria's story is not just a personal triumph; it's a testament to the power of community and the impact of organisations like SisterWorks. Through their support, SisterWorks not only helped Maria adjust to her life in Australia but also gave her a platform to grow, contribute, and inspire others. Joining SisterWorks has given Maria the strength, skills, and sisterhood she needs to continue weaving her dreams in Australia. Her journey from a newcomer to a social enterprise teacher inspires all, reminding us that it is possible to not just survive in a new country but to thrive and make a meaningful impact.

Maria’s story is still unfolding, but one thing is certain: she will never forget the threads of her experience with SisterWorks, connecting her to a community that believes in the power of supporting women.
