Sister Highlight


Meet our Sister Suchada who has taken part in our Hospitality program and is now working with SisterWorks Social Enterprise Team.

Country of Origin:


Program attended:


When/why did you arrive in Australia:

I arrived in Australia in March of 2022, my partner is Australian and was living here (while working in computer support) so I came to meet him.

How did you find Sisterworks:

I originally saw Sisterworks on Facebook and spent about a week researching them to understand more about who they were. I originally had doubts because everything was free of charge, I thought it was too good to be true! After doing some research, I thought “what’s the worst that can happen?”. After my first visit to the Abbotsford office, I met another woman from Thailand in the same situation as me. After chatting with her and other women, I felt much more confident and excited about the program.

How did Sisterworks help you:

Although my partner was here with me, I felt lonely everyday as I had no friends or things to do that were meaningful. SisterWorks have not only helped me get a certificate and develop my skills in hospitality but also in making friends and connections and building my self-confidence.

What advice would you give a woman in the same situation as you:

I would say: pop into SisterWorks for a visit, have a chat and ask some questions. Even if there isn't a program that interests you, it won’t be a waste of your time. You might make some friends, get good advice and enjoy the sense of community.

What are your hopes for the future:

After my journey with SisterWorks, I realised I wanted  a career that made a difference and I want to help people. Now that I am confident in my ability to learn and study, I hope to complete a certificate or diploma in aged care or community service. From there, I want to get a full-time job.

What is it like working with Sisterworks as employee:

Working for Sisterworks has improved my communication and customer service skills, I am much better at understanding and using casual, Australian English. I am also excited to move on and give another Sister a chance to work here and develop their skills.

What has it been like to be part of the Sisterworks program:

I feel extremely joyful and grateful when I think about my journey with SisterWorks, nearly all of my friends I have made through working with them. My journey here has changed my mindset about myself, I now feel confident and capable of doing anything. It has also made me cherish the community I am a part of, I am extremely thankful for this.
